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On Tuesday, May 26, 2020, a video surfaced of a Minnesota police officer pinning a 49 year-old black man named George Floyd to the ground by depressing his knee into Mr. Floyd’s neck while he was handcuffed. Mr. Floyd was lying flat, begging to bre ...
When the Coronavirus hit the fan in the United States, in early March 2020, the Government’s response -national, state and local- locked down our country and its citizens. This extraordinary action was justified by frightening projections of millio ...
The United States is one of the largest and most diverse economies in the world. It now has the most confirmed cases of COVID-19 worldwide. Like the United States as a whole South Florida is one of the most complex economies in Florida. Billions of ...
What do alcohol, sex and the Coronavirus have in common? Managed effectively, their risk can be mitigated. Left unchecked it can be disastrous. Democratic societies manage risk through laws. Most follow a simple, over-arching principle: act reas ...
There is a fight brewing between businesses and insurance carriers over loss of business interruption claims caused by the novel coronavirus (COVID-19). Businesses believe that insurance companies should pay business interruption claims. Insurance co ...
A law firm is claiming to have brought the “first known COVID-19 wrongful death lawsuit” in Illinois state court. In a previous post, we discussed whether an individual could bring suit against an individual or business for contracting Coronavir ...
On April 1, 2020, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) issued a recall for Zantac because of its link to cancer. The heartburn and stomach ulcer remedy, available in prescription and over-the-counter, is under investigation over a cancer-causi ...
Public health experts say some form of digital tracking will be necessary as people return to a new normal after stay-at-home orders are relaxed. Apple and Google—which are quite expert at data collection, as we all know—have announced plans to l ...
Nursing homes have been at the center of the novel coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreaks and deaths around the United States and South Florida. There are over 2,300 nursing homes with COVID-19 outbreaks as of April 13, 2020, according to the USA Today. T ...
Seizing on the public’s fear of not being able to get quality healthcare due to the coronavirus pandemic, Florida nursing homes are lobbying the governor for lawsuit immunity. This is happening as many nursing homes refuse to release information on ...
The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) has recently entered a new order extending a no-sail restriction for cruise ships for what could be up to 100 days. The cruise industry is especially impacted by COVID-19 because of its nature. The viru ...
Coronavirus, domestic violence, and sexual assault – how are they related? In a surprise to many, domestic violence complaints have actually gone down since the Florida Stay-at-Home-Order was enforced. Most would think victims stuck at home with th ...